Evgeni Doudar
11.02.2014 17:00


This is not review, just big comment. The animation is very interesting without doubt. One thing is... I wasn't really happy with sound concept. There are some kind of permanent atmosphere pads that takes away job that sound designer did. I mean job on creating special sfx of these creatures. I understand, it should be some sound or music that glue together all this move. But a lot of activity going on there, like in a forest or field. There no need to permanently make this suspense sound. For example, because of such sound it is not really understandable scene where manlike creature stare at baloon like ones. First my impression was he wants to hunt them down. Or they will attack him. Second time I watch and possibly understand right, that he just likes a view and waiting for that ship. So I seems that the story did not told by sounds and music. And this special case need it more then other because it is fantastic world where we are aliens and sounds can do this emotional link to us. Despite of this moments sounds and atmospheres especially in first scene are great.